
As you can imagine, shopping with two babies can be a challenge. There were three options before this week-1. strap a baby to me and put the other in the cart in his/her carseat (leaving little room for items) 2. push both a cart and a stroller 3. Austin comes along (by far my favorite option, but sometimes the shopping can't wait, plus who wants to spend your weekend running errands?). Now that the babies can sit up, I can put one in the front of the cart and strap one to me, it's so much easier! Here are a couple of pictures of Asa in the cart like a big boy. I haven't tried Alden out yet, since she is the lightest I usually strap her to me.


Erin said...

BJ's carts are extra big and have room for 2 babies in the front! Though that might give you other issues to deal with. And there is always PPod- do you have that out there?

Erin said...

BJ's carts are extra big and have room for 2 babies in the front! Though that might give you other issues to deal with. And there is always PPod- do you have that out there?