Senior Family Analyst Adelaide
A Few Notes
On the domain name: It seems that there has been a lot of blogspot-squatting going on. Of course, I've come to this pretty late in the game. Our domain name is supposed to be read as "The 'A's Have It." The reason: All of our names start with the letter A. Austin, Anna, and Adelaide (the puppy). It's hokey; I admit it.
On the upcoming week: I might be going to the New Hampshire State House to sit in on the hearings for a bill proposing mandatory seat belt requirements. If you don't know, the state's motto is "Live Free or Die." I'll try to let you know what I've learned about these people in future posts. It's a funny place to live--and I don't really mean "ha-ha funny." For now, rest assured that Anna and I always exercise our right to wear our seat belts.
Greetings and Catching Up
I'm using my first post to get you, my reader, up to speed on our lives so far. For the sake of your time, I've created a few categories that may help you:
If we haven't spoken in a few days/weeks: My car died a brutal death, but it has been resurrected by the local dealership with the help of some money.
If we haven't spoken in a few months: Padgett Manor is on the market. We are trying to sell our house in one of the worst markets in recent history. As you may or may not know, I've accepted a position at a firm in Cincinnati, OH. We shall soon move. Also, my car recently died; it's been taken care of.
If we haven't spoken in a couple of years: We live in New Hampshire now. I'm finishing up my third year of law school. We bought a house here (widely known as "Padgett Manor" or "Old Man Padgett's"), but it is currently on the market. 'We will move to Cincinnati after graduation, so we're hoping it will sell soon so I may buy a new car. Mine recently died, but it's been taken care of.
If we haven't spoken in 3-5 years: Anna and I both moved to Cincinnati. We tied the knot in 2005 and immediately got Adelaide (our puppy). After I finished my MM course work (thesis on Elgar), we moved to New Hampshire for law school. We moved into a house, but we're currently trying to sell it in preparation for our move back to Cincinnati. We also hope to soon replace my car, which recently died. But it's been taken care of.
If we haven't spoken in 5+ years: Forget everything you knew about us and catch up with the above descriptions. Things are going well with the Padgetts, save for my car. It recently died, but it's been taken care of.
From here, we will start posting on some of the milestones and trivial events of our short time on this planet. Put us on your Google Reader or other blog subscription service, and keep in contact with us.