The suites at the stadium have an awesome feature that I loved. There is a computer panel that allows you to bring up any of the available broadcast cameras on the big screen in the suite. If you want to watch someone warm up in the bullpen, for example, you can select that particular camera. The system also provides on-demand replay from any of the cameras. When Brewers relief pitcher Todd Coffey did his sprint to the mound, we could watch it as many times as we wanted, speeding it up to look even more ridiculous. You can also see the Kiss Cam rejects that don't make it onto the Jumbotron. Hilarious.The outside sitting are for the suite contains some great seats and gives a great view of the ball park, the river, and the opposing skyline. Last summer, I came to love sitting in right field (when Griffey still played for the Reds), but I'll take suite seats any time!
After such an awesome night at the ball park, it was only fitting that the bar that operates at the bottom level of our building should ruin everything. I've written before about how loud the bar's customers and music are , but this night was particularly raucous because the Girls Gone Wild bus was in town:
I love that they haul a hunter green mini-van behind their misogynistic, exploitative bus. You know, just in case someone needs to make soccer practice while the bus is in use. The worst part was that there was a huge bachelorette party taking place (their party bus was parked on the opposite corner). These girls, including the future bride, were so wasted and freely jumping on the bus to be filmed or whatever they were doing on the bus at that point. Still, if a sleepless night is the trade-off for a relaxing/fun game in the great give-and-take of the universe, we'll take it.
I'm just glad you were able to keep Anna off that bus. I know how wild she can get...
I agree with Julie that I'm glad you kept Anna off of the bus, BUT I am also glad to know that you weren't interested in the bus and its contents. Makes a mom's heart feel good! Especially after the event a few years ago when you were going to spend some special time with your borther and you took him to Hooters. Yeah, you thought I forgot about that didn't you?
Of course, I wouldn't expect Anna to get on the wild bus either. She's too classy for that.
Cool! I've always thought that looked like a fun stadium. Great that you guys frequent it. Since Votto is your star, you should consider singing his name to the tune of "Otto Wood the Bandit." It's fun - try it!
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