Softball Game or Lactic Acid Weekend Spectacular

This is a tale of two journals fighting for supremacy in a school with room for only one. As some of you know, my law school has two, student-run academic journals: IDEA (of which I am a member) and Pierce Law Review (where I've been published). IDEA is a niche journal that covers IP topics; PLR covers the whole legal spectrum (including the judiciary's fascination with baseball). On April 18, 2009--a date that our children's children will know by heart--these two journals took the field in what will surely become known as the "turning point" for Franklin Pierce Law Center.

The gray clouds skyed the game, with only the gods and their labored shoulders holding back the rain. As representatives of the Ryder rental-truck fleet looked on, IDEA bellowed out a rebel yell. "Beat PLR," went the halloo. Several subaltern recountings said that the sound could be heard at the local KFC--quite a distance up the road.

With the recent events in the Rift Valley lakes of Kenya and Tanzania, several players quietly honored the Lesser Flamingo as they took the field. Though they would play for journal and their honour, this game would also markedly commemorate the fragile ecosystem of the world. [Note: For all you interstate buffs out there, you guessed right! That truly is I-93 beyond the treeline.]

Though everyone played with great heart, The Bondor would capture the imagination of the game. With a rolling leap out of left field, his was the catch of the game. Some later called it the "Third Inning Miracle."

Some would catch; others would swing. One would bunt. Everyone would bicker and gripe.

In the end, the score wouldn't matter--particularly if your team lost. What would matter was that two journals proved that they could come together, grapple with their differences, and become a "Band of Brothers" with the occassional "Sister" thrown in. What might have seemed commonplace on that field will surely become legend within Frank's hallowed halls. I've heard that the 3L class gift is a plaque that will honor the game with this simple phrase: "Always remember. Never forget."