Criss-Cross Kitty

It's a little hard to tell in the picture, but there are tracks in the snow in our back yard. They make a crude 'X' in the snow. Our home is close to a state park here in New Hampshire, so we actually see a lot of wildlife even though we live just off of a major highway: ducks, butterflies, skunks, deer. We even had a moose hanging out in our front yard one time--right by the bedroom window. It's something I will definitely miss when we leave.

But there is also a neighborhood cat that really likes to use our property as a short cut to get between his place and his lady friends' places. It just so happens that I watched as the cat walked across the yard both times when he made these tracks. It was funny watching him go across the snow, falling in with each step. I've never been able to read a cat's facial expressions very well, but I know what it looks like when a guy is asking himself whether having a lady friend is worth all of the trouble of treading through the snow. Sorry, Mr. Cat. You should stick to the plowed streets next time.

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