I have heard your cries, and I am now trying to force Anna to write about the weekend's activities. She'll cave in and write an excellent post; I'm sure of it. The weekend was really special, so, Anna, we're all looking forward to a great post.
Until then, I wanted to say that I've been using Google Analytics to monitor the traffic on the blog. For a Google application, Analytics is dense, but it provides some great information for someone who is just blogging for kicks.
One of the most important pieces of information that you can get is the keywords used in search engines that lead to your site. You actually get to see what people are typing in that ultimately brings them to your door. Usually you're looking at "theashaveit" or "The As Have It" for our site, but there is a recent search that is hilarious to me: "Puritan Padgett." This search led someone to this post, where I briefly discuss Plink and a Puritan Paperback that I read in college. There is a Professor Padgett somewhere out there that writes theological history books about the Puritan faith and can actually grow a beard. I can only imagine what this person--who stayed on the website for three whole minutes--thought when he or she saw brightly colored mugs. I hope it was a good experience, and they definitely bounced to the Jeremiah Burrough's link.
It reminds me of when Nate and I were running Rhubarbicon and someone found our site by searching for "Single Dad by Choice." When you land on a top executive's profile, I guess that you don't feel so alone in your life decisions. In fact, you probably feel quite empowered.
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