From the Floor: I See Grass

Adelaide Macaroni Padgett is a puppy, specializing in sleep and play. She is author of The Perils of White Puppies in New England and Growling at Windmills. Her series for this blog "From the Floor" strives to provide a commonplace-if not subaltern-view of newsworthy events.
Pembroke, NH--The snow in our front yard is mostly gone. Good riddance; it has confined NH puppies to their homes for far too long. I've seen the weather report, and it looks like we're getting sun for a solid week.
I've seen a lot more dog/people traffic along the sidewalk and road outside the house, and you guys are looking good. I really like the dog that leads the baby stroller like a chariot (I'll try to get a photo). Very cool but probably very dangerous.
As the weather gets even warmer, here are some reminders to keep things civil in a crazy world:
-Keep the paws on the sidewalk. Some of you guys have owners that require you to walk on the road even as traffic passes. You should refuse to be subject to such treatment. The sidewalk is much safer.
-Don't ever leave anything in other people's yards. Bad form.
-Try to relax and enjoy the walk. When you pull on the leash, you can make yourself cough or wear out your owner's arm. I recommend a harness over a neck collar anyway.
-Avoid the little kids on the sidewalk. They always want to put their nasty hands all over you without any warning. If you do see some of these kids, don't think that they're trying to attack you. They actually want to give you some love despite their aggressive body language.
-Feel free to bark at squirrels. They deserve it.
You probably have some great tips too, so feel free to post them. Enjoy the weather! As the Beatles said: "It's getting better all the time."


Nate said...

As the Beatles also said, "it can't get no worse."

Julie Tiemann said...

Don't forget the pedi, too, Addie. No self-respecting b#$*&! steps out in the spring without one...

Anonymous said...

And don't forget to take a bag just in case!